YTL-SV Carbon Sdn. Bhd
YTL-SV Carbon Sdn. Bhd. is a subsidiary of YTL Corp Bhd acquired in 2008. YTL Corporation Bhd acquired a 75% stake in the Malaysian-based Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) developer, SV Carbon, now known as YTL-SV Carbon Sdn. Bhd. YTL-SV Carbon is currently the largest CDM consultancy in Malaysia and the fifth largest in ASEAN with projects in Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and China.
YTL-SV Carbon provides end-to-end solutions for projects under CDM, handling all aspects of the process includingidentification of potential projects, development of the full scope of CDM documentation such as the Project Design Document (PDD), CDM registration and the approval and sale of carbon credits regionally and globally.
Projects undertaken by YTL SV-Carbon include those in the areas of biomass, biogas and clean energy from agricultural, municipal and industrial, solid and liquid waste, cement and steel. YTL-SV Carbon also works with plantation companies to develop clean energy from biomass waste and effluent plants.
With approximately 50 projects in development and more than 15 projects registered at the UNFCCC, YTL-SV Carbon has broad experience with various types of CDM projects under its belt, with special expertise in the palm oil, energy and waste management sectors.